
Friday, December 21, 2012

KAP rigs - RC Canon S100

The Lumix LX3, a superior compact camera, was soon to be reclaimed by it's rightful owner (wife) so it was time to find a replacement.

Using the camera feature search on DPReview I looked for any compacts with 24mm wide zoom and intervalometer to replace the shutter servo. The only camera currently available fitting the search was the Lumix LX7 weighing 298g, a little too heavy for light weight KAP.

An alternative option was to add intervalometer function to a Canon compact using the CHDK firmware hack. The Canon S100 looked interesting, with GPS, only weighing 190g and A$100 less than the Lumix.

DWI  had the S100 for A$280 which was fine by me. I tend to think of KAP cameras, like underwater cameras, as expensive disposables.

Canon Powershot S100 RC rig - 460g

I am finally happy with this setup.
- CHDK/SDM intervalometer (explanation coming soon)
- Proportional pan and tilt using Turnigy 380MG mini servos
- Brooxes compact picavet and tripod bolt from the KAP shop
- Fibreglass face plant protection bar
- Safety leashes on the camera and tripod bolt

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